When endeavors are pursued, the intention is usually to follow through. However, unforeseen circumstances can shift the trajectory of your intentions. Situations won't always work out the way you intend, & the feeling of defeat may weigh heavy on your confidence & make you doubt your worth. Understand that this is a phase in the process of building...it is not the end. When plans don't pan out the way you intended, don't view it as a failure, see it as an opportunity to start over. Our first initial thought when our dreams are deferred is "failure." We fail to see the silver lining, which is the lessons we gathered from our experience. Maybe you need to find a new direction. Maybe "it" just isn't meant for you. Maybe there is something greater & grander on the horizon waiting for you. You will never know unless you harness the courage to start over. This time with a more precise vision, tenacity, understanding & the experience from your past "failures" to assist in guiding you. You see...failure is nothing more than a learning lesson we all have to experience in life. It isn't meant to break our spirit...it is meant to build our character. In order to build you must destroy. Tear down stagnant outdated ways & Create a stronger foundation. This journey of life has many dead ends & detours...but the universe always provides us with a fork in the road. New pathways & clear roads are bound to be ahead when you make the right turn. So when these moments arise, consider it a sign for you to rise to the occasion...a time for you to begin again.
PS. You only fail if you fail to try.
With Love, K.A